

In TECNOAPLICACIONES we mechanize and repair all kind of API rotary connections in the oil sector such as: REGULAR, NC, EXTERNAL UPSET(EUE), LINE PIPE(LP), NON-UPSET(UN), LONG THREAD (LTC), BUTTRES among other.

Besides, we have all the necessary instruments to assure the quality of all our products such us:

THE GAGE: Instrument used to assure the stand off or adjustment of threads.

MRP: Verification of conicity in inches with respect to the axis of the thread.

DEEP GAUGE AND RUNOUT GAUGES: Instruments used to verify the depth of the threads and the disengagement meter to guarantee less tension at the contact point when the coupling is made.

STEP GALGES: With these we verify the shape of the tooth and the pitch of the thread.


We also have additional instruments for the verification of all types of machined parts such as:

CALIPERS: Digital or analog calipers from 0-200mm, 0-300, or-500mm and from o-1500mm.

EXTERNAL MICROMETERS: We have both analog and digital micrometers of high resolution  0.0001mm from 0-2mm to 400mm.

INTERIOR MICROMETER: We have an internal micrometer from 0-12mm up to 10"with a resolution range of 0.01mm

PATTERN BLOCKS: We have a set of standard blocks from 0,5mm to 100mm certified for verification and instrument patterns.

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